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SIM Stories

City Lights: Engaging Canadas hip-hop community for Christ

This ministry is the first of its kind within SIM: It engages the hip-hop community in Toronto for Christ. Watch and read about City Lights.

Church fellowship transcends isolation

How have churches adjusted now that the coronavirus has prevented group meetings? Read on to find out how church fellowship has changed.

Choosing school

Ashish and Sachhi received another chance at education through SIM's partner, Chetna.

Choosing divine love, for better or for worse

The Fawcetts were eager to enter ministry. But God called the Fawcetts to wait before they could embark to Ayutthaya.

Chinese-Australian group visits Malawis Chinese diaspora

A group of seven Chinese-Australian Christians took a short-term trip to Malawi to better understand outreach opportunities among the Chinese Diaspora. Read about what they learned.

Chicken dinner ministry

Inmates take part in the Great Commission by donating from what they have.

Check out the new website

SIM’s Hope for Life ministry just launched a new website – Check it out to see how they're ministering to HIV-affected communities.

Changing the world starts with one camper

God can use a single camper to transform an entire village for His fame — we've witnessed it.

Chad is not an easy location

With its diverse population of hundreds of ethnic groups speaking 120 languages and dialects, it’s no surprise that Chad is sometimes called the “Babel Tower of the World.”

Career coaching service available for COVID-19s jobless

Motivated by the gospel, professional career coaches Daniel and Jeanie Ough are offering their free services to anyone without jobs during the pandemic. Read on to find out about this opportunity.

Can Good News transform Madagascar

The Good News Project has grown in, engaged with and served Mandritsara in Madagascar. Find out how their gospel-centred service has impacted the town and drawn workers from across the world.

Called back home

Servio and his family obeyed when God sent them home to plant a church in the remote Loja province.

COVID-19 prompts first Gurmanchema Old Testament recording

Elisa realised the need for the Old Testament audio in Gurmanchema when COVID-19 disrupted the lives of her security guard's family. Find out more about this new recording project.

COVID-19 and coronavirus: How SIM is responding

SIM has taken urgent steps to help our workers and the communities they serve respond appropriately to the growing spread of COVID-19 through the coronavirus.

By word (and care) of mouth

How often do Brendan and Erin Connally's ministries overlap? Dentistry and oral Bible storying complement each other more than you'd think.

Building the Church by motorcycle

The somewhat imaginary path dwindled away, and we couldn't make ourselves imagine it going any farther. We stopped the motorcycle and laughed.

Building good relationships in a tough place

New relationships surprise an anonymous central Asia SIM worker.

Bringing art and beauty to Kenyas trash heaps

What business does a group of artists have, visiting a huge rubbish dump in Nairobi, sitting in tiny shacks with the trash sorters, and bringing art materials to their kids?

Manglo has a vision for the future

In our finite existence and brokenness, we continue to find hope and meaning in a God of infinite hope. Manglo may not yet know Jesus as her Lord and Saviour, but the door to salvation has been opened.

Benjamin trusts God to provide water

Benjamin wanted to emulate Jesus’ ministry of reconciliation, while tangibly helping people through earthly problems.

SIM Stories

City Lights: Engaging Canadas hip-hop community for Christ

This ministry is the first of its kind within SIM: It engages the hip-hop community in Toronto for Christ. Watch and read about City Lights.

Church fellowship transcends isolation

How have churches adjusted now that the coronavirus has prevented group meetings? Read on to find out how church fellowship has changed.

Choosing school

Ashish and Sachhi received another chance at education through SIM's partner, Chetna.

Choosing divine love, for better or for worse

The Fawcetts were eager to enter ministry. But God called the Fawcetts to wait before they could embark to Ayutthaya.

Chinese-Australian group visits Malawis Chinese diaspora

A group of seven Chinese-Australian Christians took a short-term trip to Malawi to better understand outreach opportunities among the Chinese Diaspora. Read about what they learned.

Chicken dinner ministry

Inmates take part in the Great Commission by donating from what they have.

Check out the new website

SIM’s Hope for Life ministry just launched a new website – Check it out to see how they're ministering to HIV-affected communities.

Changing the world starts with one camper

God can use a single camper to transform an entire village for His fame — we've witnessed it.

Chad is not an easy location

With its diverse population of hundreds of ethnic groups speaking 120 languages and dialects, it’s no surprise that Chad is sometimes called the “Babel Tower of the World.”

Career coaching service available for COVID-19s jobless

Motivated by the gospel, professional career coaches Daniel and Jeanie Ough are offering their free services to anyone without jobs during the pandemic. Read on to find out about this opportunity.

Can Good News transform Madagascar

The Good News Project has grown in, engaged with and served Mandritsara in Madagascar. Find out how their gospel-centred service has impacted the town and drawn workers from across the world.

Called back home

Servio and his family obeyed when God sent them home to plant a church in the remote Loja province.

COVID-19 prompts first Gurmanchema Old Testament recording

Elisa realised the need for the Old Testament audio in Gurmanchema when COVID-19 disrupted the lives of her security guard's family. Find out more about this new recording project.

COVID-19 and coronavirus: How SIM is responding

SIM has taken urgent steps to help our workers and the communities they serve respond appropriately to the growing spread of COVID-19 through the coronavirus.

By word (and care) of mouth

How often do Brendan and Erin Connally's ministries overlap? Dentistry and oral Bible storying complement each other more than you'd think.

Building the Church by motorcycle

The somewhat imaginary path dwindled away, and we couldn't make ourselves imagine it going any farther. We stopped the motorcycle and laughed.

Building good relationships in a tough place

New relationships surprise an anonymous central Asia SIM worker.

Bringing art and beauty to Kenyas trash heaps

What business does a group of artists have, visiting a huge rubbish dump in Nairobi, sitting in tiny shacks with the trash sorters, and bringing art materials to their kids?

Manglo has a vision for the future

In our finite existence and brokenness, we continue to find hope and meaning in a God of infinite hope. Manglo may not yet know Jesus as her Lord and Saviour, but the door to salvation has been opened.

Benjamin trusts God to provide water

Benjamin wanted to emulate Jesus’ ministry of reconciliation, while tangibly helping people through earthly problems.