
SIM’s global purpose is to:

  • cross barriers to proclaim Christ.
  • disciple believers into biblically healthy churches.
  • work together with churches to fulfil God’s mission.
  • facilitate participation in cross-cultural ministry.

SIM Canada expedites this by:

  • sending missionaries from Canada around the world.
  • receiving missionaries to Canada from around the world.
  • serving as missionaries in Canada alongside the Canadian church.


SIM’s global purpose is to:

  • cross barriers to proclaim Christ.
  • disciple believers into biblically healthy churches.
  • work together with churches to fulfil God’s mission.
  • facilitate participation in cross-cultural ministry.

SIM Canada expedites this by:

  • sending missionaries from Canada around the world.
  • receiving missionaries to Canada from around the world.
  • serving as missionaries in Canada alongside the Canadian church.

Engage with this country...

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Communities where Christ is least known


While not geographically distant, the Somali population living in Toronto (80,000) are culturally distant and not yet reached with the Gospel. They often face prejudice on many levels. Most Somali immigrants do not speak English, finding it difficult to discover available resources. They struggle to find affordable housing in the cities where they live. Not only do they face the challenge of a new culture, but also prejudice against Islam. Somalis, by and large, practice Sufism. Classic Sufism believes an intimate relationship with Allah comes by following tariqah (the path). The disciplines practiced along tariqah vary, but the result should be ma’rifa, or “absorption into God.” God in his sovereignty has sent Somalis to Canada that they might come to know Him. Pray in faith that believing Somalis will one day participate in the Great Commission and return to Somalia with the good news of Jesus Christ. Eight million people live and die without Christ in Somalia, with very little Christian presence in the country. Despite government and Islamic opposition to Christian programs, missionaries are remembered as those who served and cared for them, helping to alleviate suffering, during the civil war and times of famine. Building on that foundation, how much more could indigenous believers who return to Somalia be used mightily of God to advance the gospel and transform the nation!



Pray for deepening engagement and partnerships with churches and donors.


Pray for deepening engagement and partnerships with churches and donors.


Pray for the growing ministry of reaching diaspora communities with the gospel in the increasingly multi-cultural cities of Canada.


Pray for the growing ministry of reaching diaspora communities with the gospel in the increasingly multi-cultural cities of Canada.


Pray for wisdom for the team processing our numerous inquiries for missionary service in Canada and overseas.


Pray for wisdom for the team processing our numerous inquiries for missionary service in Canada and overseas.

SIM Asset Publisher Portlet

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