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Paraguay Leadership and Services
We need people with gifts of administration, accounting, people care and leadership to provide the essential services which will enable mission workers to flourish as they serve across Paraguay.
Paraguay, South & Central America
Long term (+2 years)
Alliances for Unreached Communities
Joining forces with other ministries in Paraguay, we see SIM Paraguay crossing barriers to those living and dying without the gospel in socially-defined communities. Uniendo fuerzas con otros ministerios en Paraguay, vemos a SIM Paraguay cruzando las barreras a aquellos que viven y mueren sin el Evangelio en comunidades socialmente definidas.
Paraguay, South & Central America
Any duration
church leadership training
By faith, we see: - believers being called into leadership - believers being equipped and mentored to fulfill leadership roles within their community - church communities being taught and led by well-equipped leaders
Botswana, Southern Africa
Long term (+2 years)
Media & Publication Ministry
This ministry writes, records and broadcasts gospel messages in native languages for people groups throughout Ethiopia. We are looking for anyone with an interest in, or experience of, writing or producing such messages.
Ethiopia, East and Central Africa
Any duration
SIM Senegal team
Do you have skills in finance, administration, or human resources management? Do you wish you could use those skills to help reach people who are living and dying without Christ? Come and join our team in Senegal! You could choose to live in the lively capital city or a smaller city a couple of hours away, both of which are home to several team members and have local churches that would welcome your involvement.
Senegal, West Africa
Any duration
Youth Training Centre
If you have a heart for young adults who do not know the Lord, come and join the team at our Youth Training Centre, in a small city in West Africa. We are especially looking for someone to teach English as an additional language, but also have opportunities to give vocational training in all kinds of other areas: cookery, sewing, computer, etc. Do you have a unique skill? The centre extends beyond teaching and provides a place where young people can read, study or simply relax with friends in a homey environment, giving an excellent opportunity to build relationships through which the good news can be shared.
West Africa
Any duration
English Teaching Centre
We are looking for native English speakers to join our team in a large city, teaching English as an additional language to university students and others. Classes are based around a secular curriculum but you would have opportunities to share wisdom from the Bible and discuss with students. You can also facilitate 'drop-in' sessions on discussion topics of your choice. You will get to know students better and build friendships through our social events and day camps. This work provides great opportunities to interact with open-minded, inquiring young people and share the message of the Bible with them in culturally appropriate ways!
West Africa
Any duration
Local church involvement
The Senegalese church is growing, especially among young people. We seek to be active members of local churches, supporting them by regular attendance, in prayer, and by helping with different teaching and discipling ministries as opportunities arise. Talk to us to find out how you could serve.
Senegal, West Africa
Any duration
Sports Friends Senegal
The Sports Friends staff train local church-based coaching teams with the goal that they will eventually become sustainable sports ministry programmes fully managed and funded by the church. Our goal is to train and equip the Senegalese church in a sustainable, reproducible way that will allow the local churches to impact their communities for years to come.
Senegal, West Africa
Any duration
MK education
Do you like working with children and teenagers? We are looking for qualified school teachers, as well as those who could work in auxiliary roles such as dorm parenting, finance and admin, to enable families from SIM and likeminded organisations to stay on the field, knowing that their children's educational needs can be met. We place staff and interns at Dakar Academy (https://www.dakar-academy.org), and may also have opportunities for homeschool teachers. Dakar Academy has a Christian ethos, but welcomes children from all backgrounds, so there are opportunities both to disciple those from Christian families and also to share the good news with those who haven't heard.
Senegal, West Africa
Any duration
Healthcare ministries
Far more people pass through the doors of clinics and hospitals each day than the doors of churches. Come and use your healthcare skills in this mainly Muslim context and see lives impacted as you offer compassionate, holistic care in Christ's name. Our patients are usually open to prayer and there are opportunities to share gospel truths in response to their needs. We are also looking for those who can help local staff with professional development.
Senegal, West Africa
Any duration
Mobilisation and Outreach
We are crossing barriers together to reach least-reached communities in East Asia and beyond. Join us to serve the local church and participate in the Great Commission!
East Asia
Long term (+2 years)
Showing 97 to 108 of 226 entries.